Supervision, Mentoring and Tutoring
Finishing your homeopathic studies or being away from practice for awhile can be intimidating at times when starting up or recommencing. To help you prepare or return to practice we are now offering support services.
Nadine Teffaha is offering a tutoring service for students of homeopathy and new graduates with a focus on case taking skills, case analysis and repertorisation methodologies.
Through her experience as a student of natural medicine and as an assistant supervisor in a homeopathy student clinic at a local college, She has found that time spent one on one by a teacher/tutor with the student ensures that areas of confusion or misunderstanding of the course theory and application are attended to swiftly. The student:
• Is guided in the right direction
• Develops a greater depth of understanding and retention of the material studied • Has further insight into the practical application of the material • Is given ample time to practice what is learned through supervised exercises.
Furthermore, the student and new graduate will have a colleague to bounce off and discuss ideas and thoughts. This provides a stimulating and engaging environment where skills are refined.
The number of students, tight schedules and pressing curriculum deadlines can be quite taxing on time available and do not often allow the teachers to provide sufficient individual attention in the classroom. Tutors complement teachers’ work at school/college by offering this extra individual attention.
Nadine is looking forward to working with you J
Tutoring differs from supervision.
Tutoring supports the student and new graduate in becoming an independent learner with good study skills, enhances his/her understanding of theory and facilitates the shift from theory into first practice.
Supervision is provided by a professional with advanced skills and knowledge and is offered to a practitioner in order to oversee and enhance his/her professional development. Supervision catalyses the practitioner's confidence, knowledge, practical skills and develops reflective practice enabling the practitioner to provide best care to patients.
Mentoring is a valuable activity of clinical practice. This activity emphasizes the
importance of role-modelling behaviour of the mentor in the mentor-mentee relationship.
Mentoring works more effectively in the context of an individual relationship and is particularly useful in the training of inexperienced practitioners. Mentoring can enable a trainee clinician to observe the mentor’s clinical work, or gain “hands-on” experience and practical guidance.
All practitioners at Heathmont Homeopathy offer free adhoc advice on setting up a practice, however for a detailed and systematic approach to help you get started you should book a set time to look at all concerns.
Fee on application.
Supervision is from the Latin, super “over” and videre “to watch; to see”, hence a supervisor is defined as an
overseer, one who watches over the work of another with responsibility for its quality.
The central goal of professional supervision is to enable practitioners to function to their fullest capacity as
disciplined practitioners so as to:6
· enhance and increase the clinician’s professional development
· provide a high standard of care to the patient.
Clinical supervision is generally seen as a process in which one professional with more clinical skills and knowledge facilitates the professional growth and development of another with less skills and knowledge.
Supervision is usually divided into three areas:
· Supportive
· Educative
· Administrative.
Anne charges $60per hour session